Mugshot Monday – “Kinda Sorta Media” exclusive coffee mug w/ Colombian Heavy Pedal Roast by Peace Coffee.

For today’s Mugshot Monday, I got an exclusive interview with Rex Sorgatz, creator of Kinda Sorta Media. But first, let’s talk about the exclusive coffee mug I am holding in the photo above. It’s part of the Kinda Sorta Media logo:

A big exclamation point in a yellow talk balloon. Dig it. I thought that would make a good coffee mug, so I inquired with Rex to see if he had any made. For probably smart reasons, he does not have any Kinda Sorta Media swag, so I asked if I could I make one. Done.

I’ve never met Rex Sorgatz in real life. I got to know him before he became famous, via e-mail and through back in the OLD days when he lived here in Minnesota and I was the web director at City Pages.

I hadn’t really understood what the heck Kinda Sorta Media was doing until I read this great post by Ryan Sholin – “An Interview with Rex Sorgatz aka Fimoculous”. This is kinda sorta cool actually.

From Sholin’s post, Rex describes what his company is and does:

I despise digital/creative agencies! They’re slow, ineffectual little monsters. And they bill you like lawyers.

But I like to create companies around the fringes of what I hate. So I came up with this twist on the idea: a very horizontal organization that consists of a loose collection of talented but disparate people (designers, developers, marketers, content specialists, product managers) to crowd-source projects. We borrow a trope from cloud computing: finding the resources for the task at hand. Some projects are huge and involve hiring dozens of people, whereas others are just me helping someone figure out a solution to a problem.

That’s pretty cool stuff right there. And it sounds like things are going good, too.

And now, exclusive to Mugshot Monday, now you can buy your very own Kinda Sorta Media coffee mug on my Zazzle store!*

Oh, and here is my ‘exclusive’ interview with Rex:

 Mugshot Monday: What is your favorite color?
 Rex Sorgatz:
Ostentatious Black.

 MM: What is your favorite sport?

 MM: What is your all time favorite logo design?
I’m really into the upside-down Standard Hotel logo right now.

 MM: Can you drive a motorcycle?
Can I? No. Will I? Yes!

Looks like there’s a little breaking news in that interview, so I’ll just sit back and watch all the retweets and reblogs roll. You heard it here first: Rex will learn to drive a motorcycle.

See the entire Mugshot Monday Facebook gallery at

And if you post your own Mugshot Monday on Twitter, use the hashtag #mugshotmonday, yo.

* unfortunately forces me to make at least 10% on every coffee mug sold. And since I am not trying to make money off of Rex’s hard work, we’ve agreed to use any of the profits from coffee mug sales to buy as many drinks as we can the next time he is in Minneapolis or I am in New York. And if there is just a ton of money made on these mugs (unlikely), we’ll either have a huge party and invite you, or we’ll donate it to a charity we agree on.

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